Monday, October 20, 2014


I realized that i've been posting a lot about my social life and rowing life here at UCLA, but haven't talked about my classes yet. The UCLA year is broken up into 4 quarters, with each quarter being 10 weeks. (Spring quarter, summer quarter, fall quarter, winter quarter). The first quarter you enter in as a UCLA student is the fall quarter. Each quarter you are recommended to take 3-4 classes, with freshman being strongly advised to start out with 3. 

There are 2 different types of classes here: GE's, and major requirements. I am going into school as an English major. This quarter, I am taking 2 GE's (Geography and Intro to Sociology) and English Composition 3 (a major requirement as well as a UCLA requirement). 

I have 2 lecture sections each for my Geography and Sociology classes. Each of these classes also has a much smaller (20 kids vs 200 for lecture) once-a-week discussion section with a TA. (or, for Geography, a lab) My English Comp class is basically a discussion section with about 20 kids. 

Trying to find classes that fit my rowing schedule proved to be a challenge. Luckily, next quarter i'll be able to use priority athlete enrollment to make picking and scheduling my classes a lot easier and less stressful. 

GEOGRAPHY: I surprisingly really enjoy this class. I originally only signed up because it was a GE that had a lot of spots and fit into my schedule, but it's actually pretty interesting. I love my professor: he is really into the topic and really knows what he's doing (he wrote the textbook for the class) and keeps class interesting. 

SOCIOLOGY: This class is also super interesting but has some concepts that can be hard to grasp. Basically, sociology is the study of people as groups or individuals and why they do what they do. We're currently talking about reality, which has been a really big idea and concept to wrap my head around but it's really cool.

ENGLISH COMP: This has probably been my biggest challenge as far as my classes go so far *knock on wood* In high school, I had the same English teacher for 2 years in a row, so I was really used to a certain style and expectation in my writing. Writing for my professor now is intimidating and kind of scary but it's a good challenge for me. 

My schedule!

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