Sunday, October 26, 2014

Head of the American

We just got back from Head of the American last night, and it was so amazing! We left for Sacramento early on Friday morning- the bus left campus at 6:00 AM. The bus ride took about 6 hours. We stopped for lunch along the way which took about 45 minutes so our trip was naturally a little longer, but we had to eat. When we got to the course, we rigged the boats and then went out for a practice. Later that night, we went back to the hotel and had a chance to shower before heading to dinner at the Olive Garden, and then it was off to bed.

THE NEXT MORNING WAS RACE MORNING! Each boat went for a run together for 20 minutes and stretched before breakfast at the hotel. We had a boat meeting, and then headed down to the course to get ready to race. There was a little bit of time to walk around before the race, and I bought a regatta shirt to commemorate my very first college regatta. YAY. Then it was time to launch for our race!

The race went really well. Of course I was ready to die by the end but when you feel that way you know you're doing something right. We crossed the finish line and I knew we had done our best, and that is a great feeling. We then landed on shore and loaded the trailer, which took about 20 minutes (compared to the 4 hours it used to take in high school...) and it was back on the bus! I basically fell asleep the second I walked back into my dorm room last night.

The whole experience was so fun, and I wish we could do it every weekend! I'll never forget it.

Katie and I on the bus to the Olive Garden!

At the Olive Garden with Maddie Pont...LOVE this girl


Sophie (DJ) and I were stern pair of the 4th Varsity 8+!

Maddie Pont and I carrying food lookin' like twins

Maddie Shrock and I after the race!

Mikayla and I after the race!

DJ and I after the race!

My beautiful team

Final results! Our varsity 8 WON! We were the UCLA B entry, and we tied with Stanford B for 13th

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